Our Projects
Chalice Children
For our 2016 Lenten Almsgiving project the students of St. Patrick’s and St. Columban collected donations for Chalice Children. It is a Catholic charity that works closely with lay people, religious missionaries and local communities to provide care for many children and elderly caught in the grip of extreme poverty and lack of education. Mrs. Duwyn a local volunteer with the organization spoke to the students at both schools about the support that Chalice provides. Having been on two mission trips with the organization she was able to speak from her heart and personal experiences about the difference each little donation can make.
We were very excited to present Mrs. Duwyn a cheque for $3000 for the Chalice organization. Students raised this money through bake sales, bracelet sales, floor hockey tournament, an Easter raffle, school dances and doing extra chores at home to earn extra money to donate.
Some of the classrooms selected the individual items that they wished to purchase, some of the items they selected were:
- Playground
- school uniforms
- bikes, sports equipment
- blankets & sheets
- roosters, hens, chicks, ducklings, animal feed
- soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste
- baby bottles & formula
- mosquito nets
- vegetable seeds, fruit trees, seedlings
We are very proud of the efforts and initiatives the students took to support this life-changing organization and the support of each family of our project.